Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Moral Principles of Premarital Sex Essay - 3043 Words

Running Head: THE MORAL PRINCIPLES OF PREMARTIAL SEX The Moral Principles of Premarital Sex English 2 Katherine Fitch Madison College Author Note This paper was prepared for English 2, taught by Mary Sarko. THE MORAL PRINCIPLES OF PREMARTIAL SEX Abstract Over many years, the views of premarital sex have been becoming increasingly more tolerant. The whole reasoning behind why sex was created is lost in the minds of society and used for pleasure and own physical satisfaction. There are negative consequences for these actions leading to guilt, depression, and numbness to intimate relationships. Having strong parental influence can also strongly affect the outcomes of adolescence and causal sex. Additionally, marriage can be†¦show more content†¦Hence, even if there may be a motivation for casual sex because of developing one’s script or fulfilling a man’s physical satisfaction and a women’s intimacy in a relationship, there are the same emotional effects and negative outcomes that result from taking part in premarital sex. An action that was morally right would not have THE MORAL PRINCIPLES OF PREMARTIAL SEX negative emotional and psychological consequences, which would conclude casual sex was not intended to be done before marriage. There is also another consequence for participating in casual sex such as disturbance in later marriage. Sexual scripts can be written prior to marriage, providing knowledge about their own abilities, leading to a stable marriage because they may be able to make more informed choices concerning marriage. It is also very likely for someone to misunderstand physical intimacy with emotional potential, leading to disruption in marriage and make worse marital choices (Kahn, London, 1991). How is Marriage Effected? In today’s society, adolescents have a positive opinion about cohabitation before marriage. The view of marriage as an institution has faded and cohabitation has taken a new part of this culture (Martin, Specter, Martin, amp; Martin, 2003). It has often been questioned whether or not premarital sexual activity causes marriages to be disrupted. According to Teachman, Premarital sex and cohabitation has notShow MoreRelatedPremarital Sex Essay1571 Words   |  7 PagesPremarital Sex Premarital sex is defined as when two people begin to engage in sexual intercourse before marriage. In todays society premarital sex has become part of the norm and has been accepted. Many young adults are living together before marriage and engaging in sexual activity. It has become apparent that more people are involving themselves in premarital sex and do not acknowledge that it is an immoral act. Sex has become a symbol for pleasure and is no longer considered sacred in today’sRead MorePremarital Sex and Catholicism ´s View on It946 Words   |  4 Pages Premarital sex is something that has been around as long as humans have been around. According to a USA Today article, a study finds that about ninety five percent of Americans have had premarital sex. With the Catholic population in American being about twenty five percent, it is safe to assume that most Catholics are not following the teachings of the Church to a tee. It is easy to say that it is the current generations that are acting more promiscuous because they are getting married laterRead MoreInfluence Of The On Sex Education1058 Words   |  5 Pagesabout sex is regarded as taboo and removed from the public (Steinfeld, 2014). Even homosexuality was considered as a crime until 1997 and a mental illness until 2001. Culture influences China was culturally influenced by Confucius. There is one saying that goes: â€Å"Lust is the worst of all wicked things; Filial piety is the best of all good things (Steinfeld, 2014).† According to Steinfeld’s (2014) opinion, Chinese tend to discuss sex more privately and schools focused more on exams than sex educationsRead MoreWho Cares About Haiti?1425 Words   |  6 PagesIn the Case Study â€Å"Who Cares About Haiti Anyway† by Louis Jannsens there are clear indications of moral goodness, moral badness, moral rightness, and moral wrongness. In the Case Study about Haiti, and the 2010 earthquake that ravaged the country there are examples of premoral values and premoral disvalues that were involved in the decisions made in the Case Study. After the earthquake, the wealthiest countries, NGOs, and various charitable organizations pledged to help Haiti recover. 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Research indicates the likelihood of divorce is increased when a couple lives together prior to marriage, increasing 166% if the wife had premarital sex and co habited with anotherRead MoreSeparation of Church and State, or Not? Essay1151 Words   |  5 Pagesshow there was less violence, premarital sex, sexually transmitted diseases, divorce, and the scores on the SAT were higher. If we still were able to keep spiritual principles in schools, people would be less inclined to do these things in my opinion and the SAT or now even the ACT scores would be higher again. Today the United States believes in â€Å"the separation of church and state,† but where are we getting that mind set? We need to look at the spiritual principles, and the ideas the foundingRead MorePremarital Sex And Its Effect On Society2946 Words   |  12 Pageswhere a young teenage girl has premarital sex due to the influence of her friends and ends up pregnant. 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It is a duty expressed between a man and his wife that involves god blessingRead MoreReligious And Personal Beliefs Of The United States1744 Words   |  7 Pagesnonmarital sex is challenging. These changes in sexual attitudes and behaviors are connected to growing cultural individualism in the United States. When a culture places more importance on the desires of the self and less on social rules, more relaxed attitudes toward sexuality are the almost inevitable result. You are faced with the decision of conforming to a society where the acceptance of premarital sex is at an all time high. Yet, your religion and personal beliefs have shaped your moral compass

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Insider Secrets of Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for College Students

The Insider Secrets of Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for College Students The simplest approach to specify the form of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. If you encounter the inappropriate website, you may actually be jeopardizing your private essay without you knowing it. The attractiveness of Shakespearean works is that each one of them conveys an exceptional social message that is true even today. For instance, if you wish to write about two different historical figures, it makes sense to select two great artists in place of an artist and a politician. You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the suitable style. After you know where you stand, you'll find it simpler for you to discover what you will need to improve and the way you must improve it. Hard work is the secret to academic success. Do not neglect to proofread your work. The Advantages of Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for College Students There are many categories of topics for you to pick from. The topic you select should have lots of information for you to utilize in your essay. There are several good persuasive essay topics to pick from. There are several interesting and challenging Shakespeare essay topics to select from. Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for College Students Can Be Fun for Everyone The very first consideration when evaluating different companies is to make sure they provide custom papers. The sample is there to provide you with an impression on the characteristic of the paper. Writing companies should make certain that customers get essay papers which are in compliance with instructions. The writing services must obviously know that it's unfair to sell an already sold paper to a different client. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

dylexias Essay Example For Students

dylexias Essay Clayton, Julie. (1999) Lost for Words. New Scientists Planet Science, 24. SummaryThe first point I came across in this article was understanding the meaning of this condition. Many people diagnosed with this disability are often not diagnosed properly. A lot of people are labeled as slow learners. People with dyslexia dont have difficulty understanding the meanings of words or recognizing letters and shapes of letters. With this information, this has led scientists to believe that the problem is in the language centers of the brain. John Stein of Oxford University, specialist in vision, has a different opinion however. His theory is that this condition is a neurological problem that during the fetal development something attacks or damages the young cells as they are growing and try to connect to the inside of the brain. Some argue that this is a very selective attack by attacking only those nerves that relay information about fast changing events. The most controversial part of this theory is that the attack may come from the mothers immune system. The next point that I came across was when the article stated by Paula Talhal, of Rutgers University in Newark. She said that dyslexics have a problem with a variety of sounds. They fail to hear 2 pure tones as separate if they are presented too close together. Most people notice the gap between tones is about 40 milliseconds or more, but people with dyslexia find this too fast to detect. Researchers have also said that there is a link with auditory and visual problems. People, who have trouble detecting fast sound changes, also have trouble detecting rapidly changing visual signals. This correlates with peoples ability to read and spell. Stein then goes a step further by saying that chemical reactions of the bodys autonomic pilot, the cerebellum, are slightly different in people with dyslexia, which would explain why people with dyslexia are more clumsy and less coordinated than others. The last point that I came across was Steins hopes that dyslexia will be seen as a far broader syndrome than how it is seen right now. His tests of visual perception could lead to other ways to find more subtle differences between people with dyslexia. Armed with this knowledge teachers will be able to remediate a childs particular weakness. He would also like to see dyslexia diagnosed at an earlier age than it has been being done so. He has ideas of using simple tests for young children. He also says, If you could introduce tests at say, the age of three, then you could intervene early and reduce the long-term suffering of many people. what to look for and if they feel there is a problem they should look at it further than just labeling the child. The next points talked about the problems that people with dyslexia have with hearing. That they cannot put things that sound too much the same together. For example, ba and da. This is hard for students with dyslexia to discriminate because they involve rapid changes in sound frequency. I agree with what he was saying about testing children with simple, yet effective tests. He would say to do this at an early age too. He mentioned the age of three years. I feel that would be great if you could find out that your child has dyslexia when he/she was three years old. There is much time for improvement if you would diagnose it that early. I think that children should be tested that early. I dont think it is fair for children to have to go through four years of school before someone realizes that they have a learning disability. It is not fair to the child and it puts them further behind then they should be.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The 2008 Financial Crisis

The housing and monetary policies are the key causes of the 2008 economic crisis. Two main mortgage firms, the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Corporation eased the credit requirements on loans it purchased from lending institutions. In September 2008, the two giant mortgage companies faced the danger of bankruptcy as they had guaranteed close to half of the total mortgages in the US.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The 2008 Financial Crisis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Clinton administration came up with the idea of making poor citizens and low-income consumers own homes. As a result, banks were under pressure to lend to minorities and low-income consumers who even had no security for the loans (White par. 1). Notably, some of the borrowers who accessed the sub-prime loans had poor credit ratings, did not make down payments for homes, and had no verifiable assets. So misguided were the housing policies that u nqualified borrowers could access mortgages with the support of the federal government.  After the banks and other lending institutions had loaned the low-income earners, the prices of houses peaked and turned down completely. At this point, borrowers who had inadequate capital compared to their debt started to default the repayment of mortgages (FRONTLINE). Notably, these categories of borrowers were propelled to borrow with the hope of increased prices of houses in the future to repay the mortgages or sell their properties at high prices. This was not to be as prices of essential products went down too. The occurrence led to rise in the number of defaulters on nonprime-mortgages. The increased numbers of toxic mortgages made investment banks lose trillion of dollars. The rest of the Wall Street felt the effect with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke making critical moves to salvage the Bear Stearns Investment Bank, which had remained the subject of rumours that it would be fa lling soon. Bear Stearns’s stock had slumped to a low of $57 from $171 thus making it clear that something had to be done to contain the situation. The then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson had to try out different approaches to rescue the entire financial market from the crisis. At one instance, he persuaded the federal government to provide the Treasury with $700 billion for buying the high-risk mortgage securities. Rumours in the financial market are fears that market players have towards operations of a firm. For instance, market manipulators and short sellers can spread false information about the nature and operations of a company. The financial market deals in monetary issues and some of the institutions include Bear Stearns Bank, AIG Insurance Company, Lehman Brothers and Fannie Mae Corporation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bear’s chief executive, Al an Schwartz blamed falsehood on the loss of liquidity of $10 billion in one working day (â€Å"Bank Chief Blames Rumours for Bear’s Collapse† par. 4). This happened as customers, trading partners, and investors fled after listening to rumours and market manipulation from competitors. However, JP Morgan Bank salvaged Bear from collapsing after the Federal Reserve accepted to stand behind the institution with $30 billion of public funds. So intense was the crisis that the failure of Bear almost led to the collapse of the entire financial market. Clearly, from the occurrence of the 2008 financial crisis, rumours can be detrimental especially if they are false. Moral hazard is a situation where a party to a deal becomes dishonest as per the terms and conditions of the deal. In the case of assisting Bear not to go out of business, JP Morgan had a deal with Bear to buy the institution at $2 per share; however, mass outrage from shareholders made the firm raise the price to $ 10 per share. The initial price of $2 per share was meant to avoid scenarios of rewarding investors in a failed business. The principle prevents a situation where firms, which have been responsible for their downfall, receive financial support from the federal government. On the other hand, systematic risk entails the fall of an entire market. The fall of Bear Sterns followed by the collapse of the giant mortgage firms of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Corporation and finally Lehman Brothers Investment Bank, represents a clear example of systematic risk in the entire financial market (Moseley par. 8). Critics argue that moral hazard promotes systematic risk as it can encourage other firms to engage in malpractices with the aim of receiving aid from the Federal Reserve.  The 2008 financial crisis made policy makers alter their opinions on free trade. Firstly, they agreed that the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) are inadequate to the current dynamic and global economy. As a result, policy makers in both government and private institutions prefer regional free trade agreements as a way of making up for rules that have been missing in the multilateral trade option. With the Doha negotiation in force, multilateral trading system is losing its relevance in the international trade (United Nations). The financial crisis revealed that the state of overdependence on one nation by developing nations is extremely dangerous for the current global, dynamic, and unpredictable economy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The 2008 Financial Crisis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Bank Chief Blames Rumours for Bear’s Collapse. Mailguardian. Mail Guardian Online, 6 Apr. 2008. Web. Frontline. † Inside The Meltdown.† PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. WGBH Educational Foundation, 8 Feb. 2009. Web. Moseley, Fred. â€Å"The U.S. economic crisis: Causes and solutions.† International Socialist Review – ISSUE 81 January-February 2012. International Socialist Organization, 8 Apr. 2009. Web. United Nations. â€Å"International Trade After the Economic Crisis: Challenges and New Opportunities.† United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. UNCTAD, 5 Aug. 2010. Web. White, Lawrence H. â€Å"Housing Finance and the 2008 Financial Crisis | Downsizing the Federal Government.† Downsizing the Federal Government. Cato Institute, 5 Aug. 2009. Web. This essay on The 2008 Financial Crisis was written and submitted by user Qu1nt1n to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. The 2008 Financial Crisis